Contact Us
Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery is located on the south side of Elmira Rd. east of Allison Drive.
Our Office is located at the rear of the cemetery at the top of the hill.

The cemetery office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Closed on County and Federal holidays.
The main gate on Elmira Road is open daily from 8am until 8pm March to November and 8am to 6pm November to March.
Please contact the staff during the above hours for help with arrangements and questions you may have.
Mail inquiries to: PO Box 698, Vacaville, CA. 95696
Administrative Assistant, Klorisa Sanchez, E-Mail:
District Manager, Heather Strachan, E-Mail:
522 Elmira Rd., Vacaville, CA, 95687